Bitter Sweet Friendships

Hey Hey! 😀

I feel like time and feelings have kept me from being more active, but maybe this time might be important. Over the time that I have not been here which I might mention next post but I will see how I feel bout it at the moment.

Right now I am confused on how friendships are meant to be. The older I get the more I realize people just don’t care like they maybe should. Life has so many tragedies and the celebrative times should be shared with others to make life sweeter and happier for all around, Time is precious and its a strange time to find that people will try and keep things from you and find nothing wrong in doing so.

I have had a friend who I have known for some time I think he was known as the Asian one (not the Indian one) in my Dates Diary category of this blog and in spite of our friendship still being intact now, we just seemed to have been on two separate places in our friendship, as it seems he just didn’t consider it worth me knowing that he was getting married and managed to get engaged and plan a wedding and finally getting married without sharing any of it with me.

I understand somethings people want to keep to themselves but we were planning on going to each others weddings but I will be sadly withdrawing my future invite as I feel this friendship has entered a place where I just care more for others and will try focus on the ones that want to be part of my life and want me to be part of theirs

Share Your Thoughts 😀 X x x


Hello Again

Hey Hey! 😀

It has been quite some time since I’ve been on here and when I tried to get back on to check something I had trouble but I am here now and I decided I wanted to put out a random post. It’s weird to think the last time I was on here was 2018 and I was 4years in to my blog but now it’s just had its 6year anniversary last month and its weird to look back on all the things I’ve said and how I feel bout them now. One thing I definitely remember is my Dates diary section of my blog and how I talked about the Sweet One.

This is the link to the 1st post where I talk bout him:https//thesweetestpartsoflove.wordpress.com/2018/02/20/the-sweet-one-the-one-im-seeing-now/

One piece of good news is that we are still together and in the next few months we will be celebrating our 3rd Anniversary together. During this time period things have taken abit of a strain on our relationship due to not living together and being in lockdown we could not meet as often as we liked. Unlike most live apart couples we were lucky we still worked together and even though we didn’t always get a chance to see each other for more then in passing it was better then nothing.

As we couldn’t actually be together or at each others houses we turned to video chat dates and spent pretty much all day once a week together doing random things to keep our chats interesting. We drew portraits, played the who am I game, we played online games, we played chess and bought the same puzzle book to do together, we opened blind bags and tried to attempt new hobbies and I even tried dressing up.

We used to talk on the phone everyday anyway aside from these all day video chat dates we did once a week so eventually the novelty was starting to wear off and we missed the closeness of being together in person. When we were able to meet while social distancing, it was hard to find places to go, as most places like the parks had shut the toilets and food places and so time out together was shortened. The parks were our main place to go as we brought our own food and could enjoy being in the outdoors.

I am sure others can relate or have their own difficulties and I wish you all the strength to make it through with the support of your friends and family.

Things haven’t always been easy and it feels like forever to be in this situation and to be away from certain Loved ones and even though things were bit tense on and off the Sweet One and I have continued to communicate and be supportive of each other the best we can, so we can make it to the other side still holding hands.

Share your thoughts!
