Special Someone and Online Dating Experience

Hey Hey! 😀

This is a very new experience for me and I honestly don’t know how I am going to deal with this but I am determined to at least try. I have mentioned that My Special Someone and I are no longer together in a previous post and I am now dating the Long Haired One. I also may not have mentioned that the Special Someone and I are now Friends only and so I continue to meet with him and spend time with the Furry Princess as well once a week to catch up and we have stopped the phone calls.

When I was completely single things were fine and Special Someone’s behaviour had not changed towards me but  when I started my online journey I didn’t want to hide things. Regardless of our previous relationship we are friends and I want to keep an open and honest friendship if possible, so I mentioned my profile on a dating site and asked if he wanted to be kept in the loop or be kept out of everything. He chose to not know so I never mentioned who I had gone out with and what happened, I just used to say I went out wherever I did and he never questioned who I went with. I don’t want complications, he is aware of my dating and the rest he does not need to know regardless of our past and our present friendship, the rest isn’t his business anymore, as harsh as it sounds but its a reality I try to accept.

Many people I have spoken to friends, colleagues and even the new friends I made on the dating site have had mixed reviews on the fact that I am friends and meet on a regular basis with an ex. Majority have expressed their concerns but try to be supportive and a few have expressed their disagreement and feel I should cut my ex loose. In spite of everyone’s opinions I have stuck to what I feel and that is with an open and honest friendship. I can make being friends with my ex work and we will continue to be friends as long as its working for us both. The day it doesn’t… well I guess we will have to talk about it and find a way around things and if we cant sort anything we may have to go our separate ways. My Special Someone and I have been a big part of each others lives, 6years worth of relationship plus almost a year of friendship and the fact that we are parents to a very special Furry baby has made us almost a family and I cant imagine life with out them. I know its not ideal and it will bring complications but as far as I know the Long Haired One is ok with my friendship and trusts me enough to be comfortable and as he said if its not romantic he has no problem with it and I agree especially as he can trust in me I know I can trust in him too. Trust after all is the foundation to any relationship, without it everything crumbles…

Share Your Thoughts! 😀

X x x

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